Stand Out
Amazon badges distinguish sellers and products and are typically awarded based on specific criteria. Recipients receive more than a reward or honorary recognition – they are issued an Amazon badge that sets them apart and ultimately drives more sales to their listings. We know brands strive to achieve these badges and have some inside tips to help you earn yours!
Best Seller, Amazon’s Choice, and New Release ribbons are black, or orange ribbon-style badges posted in the top left corner of a listing which a seller can strive to achieve. Keep reading to find out:
- Why are these badges important?
- What are the requirements to earn one?
- What can I adjust to qualify for these badges?
Plus, learn more about the meanings and qualifications behind New Release and Climate Friendly badges.
Best Seller Badge
The Importance
The Amazon home page header includes a tab for Best Sellers. These are the top 100 most popular listings of products based on sales and listed in descending order. Anyone shopping for a specific product may choose to click on the related department under this heading and be brought directly to a Best Seller rather than enter the product into the search bar to avoid a lower-ranked seller.
As a result, those who are not Best Seller did not have any opportunity to sell to this consumer.
AND, whether you consider it a positive or negative, these designations are updated hourly based on sales.
The Best Seller badge is not only visible while shopping in the Best Seller department – it stays with the product listing regardless of how the customer arrives at the listing (through a search or simply scrolling).
The Requirements
The key to qualifying for a Best Seller badge is simple – top sales in your category. These requirements imply focusing on two areas:
- Reaching top sales
- Being in the right category
What You Can Do
Luckily, the strategy for becoming a Best Seller starts with sales (likely your number one brand goal). We put together a shortlist of tips for you to review to help boost sales.
Reaching Top Sales
- Optimize product listing – clear images + concise copy + compelling video are a must for every listing
- Review pricing and revise if necessary
- Increase organic sales
- Improve conversion rate
Being in the Right Category
Here’s where a bit of strategy can really pay off! Are your products listed in a category that allows you to win as a best seller? Are you a little fish in a big pond or a big fish in a little pond? It could mean the difference between being ranked 101 or number 1.
If your item is nail polish, which category should be selected that is both relevant and gives your product a chance to rise to the top?
Selecting Foot, Hand & Nail Care is a large category.
The next level, Nail Art & Polish also has many sellers.
Drilling down one more layer may be where your product wins!
Remember, shopper’s see the Best Seller Badge and quickly summarize, “This product is well liked, probably trusted, and if others are buying it – it’s the one I should buy, too.”
Amazon’s Choice Badge
The Importance
The Amazon’s Choice badge means Amazon has reviewed the product ratings, price, and if it is available for Prime purchase and delivery. These products are not returned often, and based on popularity Amazon deems them as liked by customers.
Popularity is partly determined by relevance, meaning which product rises to the top when a customer enters words or phrases in the search bar. Utilizing keyword research and search engine optimization (SEO) practices in product titles and listings proves to be critical when it comes to earning the Amazon’s Choice badge.
The Requirements
Amazon does not provide a checklist for companies to meet to achieve an Amazon Choice badge, but key best practices indicate an increased rate of success. This badge is based on algorithms and was designed to help direct customers to a product based on successful search results.
What You Can Do
- Be an Amazon Prime seller. Fast shipping is critical.
- Keyword strategy is paramount. Keep in mind, utilizing only the highest searched keywords may make it difficult for your product to rank among the competition. Include relevant phrases that are likely to result in a conversion to sales!
- Ensure your pricing is competitive.
- Try to keep reviews and ratings high and your return rate low.
#1 New Release Badge
The Importance
As the name implies, this badge is given to those products that have high sales within a few days of listing on Amazon. This means attention and sales must occur quickly, and often outsell Best Seller’s in their category. These rankings are also updated hourly and are broken down by categories.
The Requirements
Amazon does not provide much additional information about New Release badge requirements as the “definition of a new release varies from category to category.” Read more from Amazon here.
What You Can Do
In addition to having a great new product with an outstanding listing, accuracy is important in submitting all product information to Amazon.
Climate Pledge Friendly Badge
The Climate Pledge Friendly badge is included with products that meet Amazon’s requirements in cooperation with numerous external organizations and is available to review here.
In addition, the Compact by Design designation, while not a banner, is included in a product listing’s A+ content. This certification could be a decision-maker for the environmentally-conscious consumer.
Amazon badges recognize achievements to help a seller or product stand out in the crowd. As a result, you can expect to see a boost in traffic and sales – and perhaps an additional badge or moving up the Best Sellar ranks to the prime number 1 spot!
Remember, the consumer does notice these distinctions, even if they do not fully understand what they mean or how they are earned – they may be the difference between a casual glance and the all-important call to action, “Add to Cart.”
Have more questions about how you can earn an Amazon Badge? Contact us here.