Brand Registry

As an Amazon seller, you’ll come across a lot of terms, acronyms, and jargon that are unique to Amazon. From product categorization, to advertising campaigns, to metrics, Amazon’s language encompasses so many varied aspects of its extensive ecosystem. We’ve put together this glossary of key Amazon terms to help you become a savvy seller in much less time. Be sure to bookmark this page for your convenience!
Brand Analytics
A suite of features available to brands enrolled in the Amazon Brand Registry.
Brand Registry
Amazon’s program for brands to verify and control their brand.
Brand Store
Amazon Brand Stores are created using a free, self-service tool to create a customized brand experience within Amazon. These can be customized and feature logos, products, and a curated experience that best represents a particular brand.
Project Zero
An Amazon program for Brand Registry businesses to weed out counterfeits and IP infringement through self-service reporting, serialization, and more.

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